Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Week 19- Day 134

Began letting go of this blog because I didn't think many people were reading it, but I've gotten a few comments and decided to get back on. I'm finally walking on my own! No crutches, no boot. Dr. D gave me the OK last week to walk in sneakers, sandals, and even wedges! I'm in zero pain, and for the most part feel great with the exception of a limp I've acquired since not walking on my left leg for so long. Dr. D said it will eventually go away as I build the muscle up again. I hope it does because it sure isn't attractive!

Here is what my foot looks like now:

I've been using Bio Oil as well as Cocoa butter and Aquaphor for my scar. With the exception of a little redness here and there, it seems to be looking great. I'm regaining the ability to bend my toes but they haven't been able to fully bend on their own quite yet. 

I now place my left foot beside my right one and can't wait to finally look down at 2 normal looking feet. I am taking a break in between feet to give my left one some more time to get back to it's original state. I also need to get back to having a normal life again. This handicap one is a bit overwhelming. I have a whole new respect for those in a more permanent situation. IT IS NOT EASY.