Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Day 1- Post Op

I am a side sleeper, so being forced to be on my back all night and all day was quite an adjustment. I barely slept because I was so uncomfortable, but my foot felt perfectly fine.

Day 1 was great. I stood in bed for most of the day and only got up to use the bathroom. Getting up was the only time I felt any weirdness. As I would walk on my crutches, I could feel the blood flowing into my foot which created this odd tingling feeling. Again, no pain. Just a little uncomfortable. As soon as I got back into bed, I would prop my foot back up and once again apply the ice. The feeling went away almost immediately.

I read up on ways to help my recovery. Diet and no stress seemed to be the main focal points in a healthy speedy recovery. Since I had bone surgery, calcium seems to be #1 on the list of things that should be involved in all of my meals. Eggs, Milk, Tuna, Salmon, Orange Juice, Yogurt, etc.

I maintained my pill intake every 4-6 hours, and all seemed to remain great. The pain meds kept me in a groggy state, but did its job in keeping the pain away. My doctor called that morning to make sure I was doing ok, and once again assured me that if I needed anything, to let him know.

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