Thursday, January 9, 2014

Day 3- Nightmare

Today was horrible.

Last night, I attempted to take a shower. Prior to surgery, I had set myself up with a detachable shower head, a shower chair, and protective foot covering since I cant get my dressing wet yet. It was pretty uncomfortable, but I got it done for the most part.

All of a sudden, the pain was unbearable. I could feel the fixator in my foot. It was as though someone was cutting the circulation off in my foot and at any moment it was going to explode. I couldn't sleep all night, and the medication had me all kinds of sick. I was nauseous, dizzy, and eventually spent all of today vomiting. At one point, I had nothing left in my stomach and was just throwing up bile. I contacted my doctor and he asked me to come in right away.

Thank God for my boyfriend calling out, I couldn't have done any of what I did today on my own. As soon as I got there, Dr. D advised me I had experienced a bad reaction to the meds. Since I am allergic to aspirin and ibuprofen, Tylenol was the only thing I could stick to at the moment.  He also undid my dressing to check if I had any infection, but thank God I was OK. Turns out, my dressing was on too tight, which was a big contributor to the pain I was experiencing. I felt immediate alleviation once he took it off and redid it. I was on my way back home already feeling better.

I took a short nap and decided to get up and take another shower. This time, everything went a lot smoother. It is incredible what a difference a change in my dressing made, because now I feel so much more comfortable getting around.  While redoing my dressing, Dr. D showed me my foot. I was hesitant at first, but was amazed to already see a difference only on Day 3 Post Op! It was pretty exciting to see a glimpse into my better future.

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